Our current research, being done under a permit from the National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS) focuses on the impact of engine noise on Hawaii’s humpback whales, on the function of
the humpback whale song and humpback whale social sounds.
Our results on the effects of engine noise on the short and long
term behavior of humpback whales show that whales’ swimming
speed and amount of time underwater is affected by the noise level
of boats that approach them. It is this finding and the concern
about the impact of Underwater Noise Pollution
on the entire marine environment that has driven Dr. Marsha Green,
OMI President and Founder, to act to make a difference.
Dr. Green has worked in the United States and internationally to
protect whales and dolphins. Her specific actions include: speaking
to Congressional representatives; educating the public; serving as a member
of the Federal Advisory Committee that will make recommendations to
Congress on acoustic impacts on marine mammals; working with the European Parliament,
NATO and the UN to address the international problem of underwater noise pollution.
In October 2004, the European Parliament passed a resolution asking Member States
to regulate the use of High Intensity Sonars in waters under their jurisdiction.
Dr. Green was a key player in this accomplishment. Read more about her international
efforts to stop underwater noise pollution at
OMI International Actions link.
OMI uses scientific data to directly protect whales and dolphins.